
Apa jadinya dunia tanpa kereta?
Apa yang akan berlaku jika tiada kereta? Tanpa kereta, bandar dan pinggir bandar kita akan menjadi lebih padat. Kebanyakan kawasan akan terdiri daripa...
Bagaimana kehidupan tanpa kereta?
Apa jadinya dunia jika tiada kereta? Jika semua kenderaan hilang dalam tempoh yang singkat, masyarakat akan runtuh dalam jangka pendek. Secara beransu...
Apakah yang akan berlaku sekiranya meteor sebesar kereta melanggar bumi?
Apakah yang akan berlaku sekiranya meteor besar menghempap ​​Bumi? Para saintis menganggarkan ia akan mengambil asteroid kira-kira 7 hingga 8 batu (11...
Mengapa lori diperlukan?
Apakah kepentingan trak kepada masyarakat? Trak melakukan kerja kritikal; Â mengekalkan ekonomi kita bergerak dengan menghantar bahan binaan, barangan...
Bolehkah anda memandu kereta di angkasa?
Bolehkah anda memandu kereta di bulan? Oleh kerana graviti di bulan adalah satu perenam daripada Bumi, enjin anda tidak perlu bekerja keras untuk meng...
What would happen if there was no petrol?
Why is petrol so important? Most of our world is powered by petroleum. Without it, the world would look very different and many of our products would ...
What would happen if we didn't have transport?
What will happen if there are no transport? Answer what if there was no cars, trains, or airplanes it would take forever to go anywhere because we wou...
Why wasnt tha car invented?
What would happen if the car wasn't invented? Without cars, our cities and suburbs would be much more condensed. Most areas would be made up of tall a...
What happen if there were no cars?
What is life without a car? Life without a car burns fat The thing I like by far the most – without a car, you have to use all these transportation me...
What would it be like without vehicles?
What would happen without transportation? One month without transportation would essentially paralyze our society. At this point, our clean water supp...
What would life be without a car?
What would life be like without the car? Without cars, more cities would be like Manhattan. Tall buildings served by elevators would make more housing...
Where would you be today with out cars?
What would our world be like without cars? Without cars, more cities would be like Manhattan. Tall buildings served by elevators would make more housi...