
Apa yang membuatkan kereta naik lebih laju?
Mengapa kereta berjalan lebih laju di tanjakan yang lebih tinggi? Kerana lebih tinggi tanjakan lebih banyak Tenaga Keupayaan Graviti(GPE), lebih GPE l...
Adakah kereta akan bergerak lebih laju menuruni tanjakan atau di atas permukaan rata?
Adakah ramp menjejaskan kelajuan? Jadi semakin tinggi tanjakan, semakin banyak tenaga potensi graviti yang akan ditukar kepada tenaga kinetik, menghas...
Adakah jarak yang dilalui kereta mainan menuruni tanjakan mempengaruhi kelajuannya?
Bagaimanakah panjang tanjakan mempengaruhi kelajuan kereta mainan? Kerana lebih tinggi tanjakan lebih banyak Tenaga Keupayaan Graviti(GPE), lebih GPE ...
Kereta mainan manakah yang bergolek paling jauh ke bawah tanjakan?
Bagaimanakah ketinggian tanjakan mempengaruhi jarak kereta mainan bergolek? Setiap kumpulan mendapati jarak yang dilalui kereta itu bertambah apabila ...
Mengapa kereta berjalan lebih laju jika tanjakan lebih curam?
Mengapa kecuraman meningkatkan kelajuan? Perubahan kelajuan di cerun adalah disebabkan oleh graviti. Apabila menuruni bukit, objek akan memecut (melan...
Would a smaller toy car go faster then a larger one down a ramp?
Does the height of a ramp affect the speed of a toy car? Because the higher the ramp the more Gravitational Potential Energy(GPE), the more GPE the mo...
What is the minimum radius for a helical car ramp?
How wide should a car ramp be? (l) Ramp Widths. A straight one-way ramp shall be at least fourteen (14) feet in width. A two-way ramp shall be at leas...
How will a hot wheel car go faster down a wet ramp then a dry ramp?
What makes a toy car go faster down a ramp? When a car is on a ramp, a component or part of the force of gravity acts parallel to the ramp, causing th...
Does the height of a ramp effect the speed of a car?
Does the height of a ramp affect how far a car rolls? Increasing the height of the ramp will have no effect on the distance the ball rolls. Does ramp ...
Does the ramp surface effect the speed of a car?
Which surface does a car run faster? Results The car will move the fastest on the smooth tile, and much slower on the sandpaper and gravel surfaces. H...
How far will a toy car go after going down a ramp?
How does ramp height affect the distance of a toy car? So the higher the ramp is, the more gravitational potential energy there will be to be converte...
Does the height of the ramp affect speed of the car?
Did the height of the ramp influences the car speed? So the higher the ramp is, the more gravitational potential energy there will be to be converted ...