
12 Gunakan apa yang anda ketahui tentang inersia untuk menerangkan sebab anda berasa tertekan kembali ke tempat duduk kereta apabila ia memecut?
Apakah kesan inersia kepada badan anda di dalam kereta? Inersia ialah rintangan untuk menukar arah atau halaju jasad, sama ada semasa diam atau berger...
Use what you know about inertia to explain why you feel pressed back into the seat of a car when it accelerates?
What does inertia do to your body in a car? Effects of Interia As a more familiar example of inertia, think about riding in a car. ... If the car come...
What is static inertia?
What is static inertia with example? Static inertia means that the body resists the state of motion and tends to remain at rest. ... Example of static...